Sissel sings a powerful message of slowing, listening and knowing. It is good for me, for all of us who want to live deliberately.
Exercise HIIT with dice
Read aloud about Abraham,Joseph, the Assyrian Shamshi-Adam’s, Hammurabi’s Code, environmental mimicry, light pollution and bird migration, ghost orchids and giant Sphinx moths, prairie dogs...
Math lesson
Language Arts lesson
Reading independently
Kawaii art banner project, origami
Practice singing Christmas songs for our new choir
Boys practiced Chinese together
Writing thank you postcards, stories for our pets, nonnets …
Memorizing some Shakespeare and a poem: Invictus by Henley.
Woodland park for nature play, Bountiful park.
2nd grade testing for Cole
I think we are in a groove.
Read Aloud Revival Nonnet activity
Digital art