March started with snow and now feels so warm.
In like a lion and out like a lamb resonate this year.
Swimming lessons- my children worked so hard this week
We started The Hobbit and are feeling the magic of collecting words and phrases.
We started new writing projects and Eli found typing his rough draft has helped him recognize spelling errors.
Our WEH mother’s university on storytelling welcomed four new friends. I am grateful to rub shoulders with inspiring people.
Our nature journaling was at Farmington Bird Refuge. We planted milkweed seeds, and we met a wildlife photographer who shared his passion for butterflies. I saw the great blue herons, a killdeer, and heard the chorus frogs.
Uncle Sel time was rich with cowboy golf, hiking, Shauna, and cuddles.
Practice sessions broke into two sessions, one for technique and one for repertoire.
Aim was fun with nature journaling, art projects, folk dancing, poetry tea party and park time.
We studied the Spanish Armada, Charles the Great Roman Emperor, and the Conquistadores.
I created a yearly rotation that I hope sticks for a few years.