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Year of the Tiger

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

We celebrated Chinese New Year with Beef and Noodles. Then, another cold week. We are blessed to have swimming lessons with friends. Basketball has just a few weeks left. Della had cupcake wars for young womens. We decorated boxes for a Valentine Exchange. We ended it with a nature journaling trip to Red Butte Gardens.


What does our day look like now?

7:00 Breakfast and devotional. We read passages from the Old Testament and discuss. Each child has a journal to write or draw pictures in that anchor remembering and hold attention. We use the journals sometime each week.

8:00 Exercise and get ready for the day. February is jump rope for heart health month. I want to have the children learn some skipping songs and skip rope to get their heart rate up each morning. After jumping we fill water bottles. A big drink of water helps the brain have oxygen and wake up. This is the time I do hair, help the little girls get ready and the big kids can have a bit of wiggle time. I had to let go of some of my grip, relax and find the ebb and flow of the children needing a few minutes to themselves before giving me their attention for hours.

9:00 Memory Work and Read Aloud

We have songs, The Gettysburg Addres, Emily Dickinson poems, N.C. Wyeth art, Beatrix Potter quote, Aaron Copland composition titles, and our science prompts and motto. We dapple in memorizing them and then review yesterday’s readings. Then I read while the children do various handwork projects. I ask them what they want to remember here and there.

I add some poetry and picture books to the morning read aloud.

10:00 William’s Hour a rotation of practicing instruments and math.

Practice sheet

11:00 Winona’s Hour

Reading: 5 minutes scripture and 15 reader out loud with retelling

Language Arts: Good and Beautiful. Copywork, Spelling, Grammar, Handwriting, Composition

Note booking: Journal sentence, notes from history and science read alouds, new word each day, tinkersketch. On Fridays we write letters.

12:00 Walk our dog. Tuesdays we will be adding swimming lessons during lunch. Lunches are soups, salads and sandwiches. Play outside and move a bit.

1:00 Quiet Time where each child has independent reading, writing, creating time. This time little Olive has her nap. Each child has a basket of reading options.

2:00 Studio hour

Monday: music lessons

Tuesday: art (Digital and pastels)

Wednesday: writing (persuasive) and poetry tea party

Friday: adventures with nature journaling (winter)

3:00 Play outside hopefully on a mountain, in the woods, at a park or in the backyard. I am hopeful for snow or warmth- one or the other.

4:00 free time given to dance, basketball, friends, chores and play.

6:00 dinner and as much family time as possible.

7:00 bedtime routine with read alouds, stories, songs, prayers, hugs and so many back rubs nowadays.

Thursday we have AIM, a homeschool coop. We have one rotation before for music, free write and math logic. At lunch break we read and decompress a while.

Here is our space.

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1 Comment

Bonnie Wall
Bonnie Wall
Feb 07, 2022

Thank you for sharing pictures of your learning spaces. I enjoy going through your schedule, there is so much depth and breadth to it. I love the picture of you teaching nature journaling. You are a beautiful mama and teacher. Enjoy another week of making dots in your grand homeschooling pointillism masterpiece! You inspire me! Love, your little sister. <3

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