A village is not a place as much as it is loving other peoples children. It is a heart thing where the stewardship of protecting, mentoring, encouraging and listening to the children is shared. We need to raise our children in villages. Why? Because we need to see other people living our children to appreciate them. Because we need to share burdens- lifting others and letting others lift us to prevent burn out and mental illness. Because there is joy, of course conflicts and sorrows are inherent, but joy comes from learning and growing through those experiences too. Because being part of something bigger than yourself has purpose-it provides a sense on competence.
I had a moment to create, so I carved this print to hold the village idea that had resonated with me for a few days. The adults are looking in all directions while the children are feeling freedom, joy and community. Imagine the baby is not yours-maybe none of the children are yours, yet they all are. They are all smiling.
Really exam week is for celebration and a bit of reset-rest and getting ready for the next term.
The children to do list:
Math Test
Reading Test
Language Arts Test
History Essay
Science Essay
Fill Portfolio with nature journaling, art and writing pieces
Refill reading baskets
Recite memory work
Get recital pieces ready
My to do list
Collect author study passages for copywork. This term is from Atinuke.
Set up new memory work board- Winslow Homer, O, Canada, As you like it passage, Theodore Rosevelt quote, Navajo poetry, Auld Lang Syne, Greensleeves, a sailor chanty, Grand Canyon Suite, Chinese
Gather this terms books for science for study of birds, animals and human body.
Gather history books for study of great lives, American history and Early Modern Times.
We finished up swimming lessons, basketball and had a week off of dance. We had two days of friends over and my mother group. So many beautiful people.
Our coop started new classes and some of them include poetry tea time, steam, folk dancing, crafts, choir, five senses, Mo Willems Elephant and Piggie books and team building. I get to teach nature journaling.
My husband shared a clip on the Five O’Clock Club with my children. I loved the science and strength behind the idea. Getting up at five o’clock is when your mind is fresh, the world still and you can begin the day with a simple powerful routine that will set your day up to be better. First, prepare by going to bed early in your workout clothes, 9:30 for adults and 8:00 for children. Then wake up and exercise for 20 minutes-sweat. This creates brain functions to activate for a better mood and clearer learning. Then for 20 minutes reflect on gratitude, goals, accomplishments and daily tasks aligned with priorities. The last 20 minutes you learn. You build yourself and improve through exposure to inspiring books. I love my morning time. I usually dive into to study and journaling, but I want to try the exercise first. My children are interested in a routine like this but at 6:00.