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Week 27 Log

Ten Memories

1. Love verses Fear and trying to replace thinking patterns of scarcity to abundance.

2. Creating a storyteller clay figurine with Della

3. Sharing my schedule with a friend and realizing some simplicity elements to try

4. Caroline and her hut making

5. Olive began to growl

6. Finding the color of paint for the accent wall

7. Dissecting a crayfish for an hour and having attention, wonder and ideas flow.

8. Reading a chapter in Awakening Wonder and feeling so grateful to be teaching my children.

9. The news my sisters are both having daughters this summer.

10. The increase in gratitude of my children in correspondence to the increase of their responsibilities. Cole saw me doing laundry and his eyes grew bright as he said, “Thank you, mom, for loading the whites.“

Monday we had a light school day and played with new friends. Tuesday and Wednesday we had snow and went sledding. Friday was a day of friends and nature club. Crocheting, handwriting, and working on stories were our focus.




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