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Week 22 Log

Top Moments
  1. Eli earning his yellow belt

  2. Rummy with Tio Pedro

  3. Happy news from dental appointments (We found a good dentist, I hoped we would.)

  4. I was insired by a group of Well Educated Heart Homeschool moms

  5. USU extension gardens and arboretum- lovely in many ways

  6. Blue Tea Poetry party

  7. Friend homeschool day with great willingness

  8. Research with Read Aloud Revival

  9. Stain glass art projects

  10. The children love adding bullet journaling templates to their daily writing

  11. The library had great early readers

  12. Olive took her first step

  13. We had some breathtaking sunsets

Della’s letter

Eli’s Letter

He means operation of arithmetic by “subject.”

Cole’s letter

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