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Tis the season

Friends are my treasure this moment. They have blessed me. One new friend, an author, spoke through her stories. Here are some of her words that I put in my commonplace book.

Emma: "Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also. It takes a great deal to trust the future, after one is acquainted with loss. "

Hawkes: "But it seems that the sword pierced Christ so that we always have a future. Even one different than planned."

Emma: "Faith in the abstract is more comfortable."

Hawkes: "Faith made concrete is more comforting."

Ember: "And I realize I am coming to understand, to a fuller extent, how beauty ministers to the heart in a way nothing else can."

I'll add more. I have endured some aches by imagination and stories, music and nature, and support. Gathering strength to face my future.

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