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This week I had reasons to slow down and consider my ways. I listened to a helpful podcast on three ways to make the complex role of mother more focused on what matters most to me. I wrote out an ideal day and a simpler version for hard-not-so-ideal days.

My morning routine:

  • Kneel to pray

  • Nourish my spirit

  • Exercise

Ideally I'd have an hour to do this, but on a simple day I will shorten it all 15 minutes.

Our morning school routine:

  • breakfast/devotional

  • Math lesson

  • William's studio hour for computer, logic, music, art

  • Language Art lesson

  • Winona's studio hour for reading, writing, copywork

  • Read aloud and note taking of literature, history and/or science

On ideal days our mornings have four hours on simple days we shorten it to two hours.

Afternoons vary with each day having its own steady thing.

  • Gymdance

  • Orchestra

  • Swimming

  • Cello lesson

  • Nature journaling

  • Labs

  • Art project

  • Tea party

  • Library

  • Gavel club


  • Kind friends helping with meals, listening and advice

  • Caroline's birthday joy!

  • Getting outside and seeing a lively blue bird

  • Making Valentine's boxes and treats for friends

  • Writing an essay on aspects of our education

  • A consistent bedtime routine and trying lots of strategies for better sleep

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