Creation solidifies retention. Our informative writing captures the readings we do from the Forgotten Classics Library. The library has books on World History, Freedom, Great Lives, and Nature. I add Literature. Notebooks hold us accountable and helps hold onto learning.
We use a 3-ring binder and computer paper with a fun border on one side for notes. The back of this paper is lined for our writing. We write vocabulary and gems. We draw pictures and complete graphic organizers. I can give children simple prompts to encourage writing about reading. Our purpose is to reinforce memory and make it our own.
The copy work of gems or quotes reinforces handwriting pathways. Children learn cues to say to help them self monitor their letter formation.
Artful Thinking
Inspired by a free online course on Artful Thinking Habits from the National Museum of Art in Washington D.C., I use four adapted habits to help the children develop critical and creative thinking. We use the prompts and exercises to develop observing, describing, lingering with wonder, articulating of reason, and creative accountability.
These habits are applied for our reading notebook, author, picture, poetry, composer and nature study.
The Habit of Observation and Description
I Notice...
5X2: List 5 things you observe, then 5 more
Zoom in-detail
Zoom out-whole
Elaborate parts, then whole
Sensory: use all senses
Perspective, "From this point of view..."
Complexity on a scale from simple to complex
Accuracy: check for omissions or exaggerations
Compare with another genre or work of the same artist
Juxtaposition: put this piece next to another and look at it again with new eyes
Categories such as nouns, verbs, adjectives...
The Habit of Asking and Lingering with Questions
I wonder...
What if?
What are the reasons?
What is the purpose?
What would be different if?
Suppose that?
What if we knew?
What could change if?
Who is most like you?
How is x like y?
Who was the (character trait)..?
What is something you don’t want to forget?
The Habit of Articulating Reasons
What is going on? (Claim)
What makes you say that? (Evidence)
Connect your comment to other’s (Discussion)
"I agree with..."
"I see what you are saying, yet I..."
The Habit of Creative Accountability
It reminds me of…
Extension of what came before, what will follow
Jot it down, record observations, questions, insights, claims, evidences
Sketch it out
Graphic Organizers: Venn diagrams, timelines, maps, charts, sequences, and webs
Create something with a similar message or theme (song, poem, story, artwork, dance)
Retelling is taking what you listen to and telling it in your own words. What you recreate you remember. The simplest way is to tell someone, but drawing, writing, and other creative activities also make learning stick. Retelling is a way children process life. As we retell, we are developing habits of attention to detail, articulation, focus and order.
Begin by asking the child to recall what they read yesterday or the last time you read from the book. This helps memories go into long term retention.
Retelling a paragraph, page or chapter will vary by attention and complexity of the text. Each child will benefit from narrating even if they repeat the work of others. Listening to each other helps support and deepen learning. Determine the amount of stopping that is useful and how to rotate the retelling if needed. You can tell a child they will retell a part or ask all to be ready and surprise them.
You will see the prompts are appropriate for different levels of experience and expectation. Identify where you are and start there. As you practice retelling your mind will hold onto more and your skills will improve.
What did we learn last time?
Tell me three things you want to remember.
Tell me something from the beginning, middle and end.
Tell me what you hear with a main idea and details.
What happened?
What did you learn?
Summarize the page.