Planning has been one of my quirks. I have been writing schedules for myself since I was little girl. Maybe I want to control what will happen or maybe I know that I really don't. Having a simple block schedule has helped me live a more present life. What works for you? Do you like a timer? Do you like a day off?
Year Overview
We have a 180 day calendar year with roughly 5 hours a day. We do not follow the local school district calendar strictly, but some holidays align with theirs. We have five holidays and one celebration day each term. Our terms are three months long: fall, winter and spring. At the end of each term with have a few days for exams. We take three entire months off each summer for a different pace and structure of learning. I have tried having six, six week terms with one week break. The whole week break makes coming back and resuming our habits hard. I prefer smaller breaks and a full summer.
Term Plan
Our terms follow the seasons. We follow loosely the Monthly Rotation for our reading from Libraries of Hope. We have closure through our exams. Each term we take a look at our goals and make adjustments and plans.
Our Day
As a family we have breakfast. My husband mostly leads our scripture study with reading passages and talking about insights. Children read verses. We vary in depth. Sometimes getting a rich discussion with one scripture and other times enjoying an entire story together. We pray and begin our day.
We turn on music and exercises together, this is followed by a big drink of water. I sometimes am helping the younger girls get dressed and doing hair while the older children are exercising. My goal is to get their heart rate up and all muscle groups engaged. We have a variety of ways some include a H.I.I.T. Bingo, a YouTube video coaching the movements or taking turns picking an exercise.
Independent Reading
While the children read in a cozy spot, I have mommy moments with my littles. This is where I clean up, dress and snuggle with my baby. I give time to my Preschooler to front load her day with attention.
Table time
We have a bunch of morning activities. Some are fact practice, memory work, poetry, Spanish, reading our readers, journaling or letter writing. We record our learning with a notebook or Hero’s Journal. We include copy work, vocabulary, sketches, daily journaling and letter logs. This is a catch all for ideas, gems from reading and graphic organizers of notes.
Math-William‘s Hour
This is meant as a segment of time not a whole hour. I use Saxon math and cm math. Each lesson includes fact review, mental math, problem solving, a short lesson and then review of past concepts. I like one on one for math as it gives attention and builds confidence. While I work one on one children are nearby on the computer, independently practicing or playing with math activities.
Literacy-Winona Hour We write using a process of ideas, drafting, revision, editing, publishing. I have six units and three exam time periods each year. The units include creative, story structures and informational units. The exams are essays. I write alongside them and we conference together. Softly soothing music, some candles and enthusiasm help as we build stamina.
Learning from Great Books
We learn about the natural world, people and places through stories. Our topics are organized monthly according to the Forgotten Classics Library Rotation from Libraries of Hope. During this time I read aloud and the children listen with handwork or sketch. Sometimes the children help read aloud. All children have a turn for oral retell and discuss using the artful thinking prompts.
This morning segment consists of three to four hours. Our last hour belong to Studio time after lunch.
I have all children practice their instruments at the same time while I bounce around supporting.
After Studio we have free time for personal choices excluding screen time. I hope this time will include self selected reading and creative projects, but it is not forced. Mostly it is sacred time for childhood. Play and imagination have their space. This time gives me time for relactation, planning, one-on-one time and sometimes a phone call to a friend is the need for the day.
Weekly Afternoon Studio Special:
Art Studio
Poetry Party
Nature Study
Read Aloud Revival Author Events
Clubs and Goals
This year we are able to have monthly zoom clubs that align with the children’s interests. We also have lessons and practice. Some interests include dance, sports, music, cooking, book club and art. Our use of time relates to our children’s goals.