Olive has a fascination with Mouse, Donald, Minnie and hat (goofy). She prays about them. Serious gratitude.
We are seriously grateful to be well. Here is a list of memories. 1. Basketball games for the boys
2. A new novel started about the Great Depression and enjoying our meals more
3. Cello lesson
4. Nature Journaling at Hobb’s Pond with bird nest sighting, mud, icicles, cougar tracks and an amazing stick collection.
5. The greatest homemade OREO cookies to encourage our debate writing
6. My amaryllis bloomed
7. Face painting, Origami, art, choir, gym, musical theatre and drum circle classes at AIM. 8. Friends!
9. Della’s dance-she grew and has a new spot on the barre
10. Dad worked from home and made lunch time basketball time!