“One of the surest means of educating the imagination is through judicious use of the best literature which will enrich and stimulate the picture-making faculty. Let us now see how fables, myths, folk and wonder tales will aid this development.” -Frances Jenkins Olcott
"Without emotion, then, no development of imagination is possible. Mental and moral development depends, not merely on the learning of the right things at the right time, but also on the experiencing of the right emotions. How can we know that these emotions have been experienced? Only by the fruits of them, present and obvious in creative work. Spontaneous child-inventions, such as child-words, drawings, games etc. are reassuring. They are all so much evidence of the activity of creative imagination, of emotional life, as well as mental life. Joy is the mother of many of these creations-- also, wonder and admiration. The germ of human sympathy, as well as of intellectual activity is hidden in that spontaneous creativeness-like the fruit in the flower. "-Margaret McMillan
This quote stirs thoughts in my mind. The understanding of right and wrong and the desire to do the right things is the work of the heart as much as the head. We naturally recognize light and love, but we can be sensitive or hardened to it. The quality of our hearts will show in our actions and attitudes. Do we obey out of fear or love? Do we work because we feel joy in accomplishment or because of an external reward? Internal rewards are emotional.
"Work without imagination is drudgery, but with it the humblest employment is lifted into the realm of beauty and art. The imagination is the source of all inspiration and interest in life; its activity creates beauty in the commonest objects of handicraft, and charm to the humblest home." -S.S. Curry
"Sympathy, it has been said, is synonymous with insight. A lack of sympathy is a lack of imagination. Without imagination there can be no appreciation, no earnest feeling."
"Imagination does not isolate conceptions; it not only conceives ideas and makes them clearer, but creates vital relations and restores normal situations and environment. Beauty and art deal with relation. Art is the creation of the right relation of object. As life depends on environment, so do beauty, truth and religion. The highest judgement of the human mind is a proper co-ordination of different ideas."
"Memory recalls specific facts and objects; but imagination supplies situations and living relations. Imagination take facts, and gives them vital kinship to there facts. It deals not with the letter, but with the spirit. "
"Before the literal object, not two minds have the same impression. Art aloud can awaken a corresponding feeling and impression in different hearts. It does this by an appeal to the imagination. This the creative power, the faculty, with conceives essentials rather than accidentals, and realizes the relations of object to one another and to human feeling."
"Imagination is most active in that which is familiar."
"Imagination in not a wild departure from truth. Truth is its material, its life and soul."
Imagination Nurturing
Imaginative Play : pretend
Creative arts: writing, visual arts, performing arts
Freedom- choices
Read alouds
Creative toys : blocks
Creative Technology