Olive says she needs milk, a show, mom, shoes, and basically everything she is thinking about. I have been thinking of needs, wants, desires and dreams. We have a Father in Heaven who knows exactly what we need, the desires of our hearts and our potential to bless those that need us. May you, whether in Kaysville or the Philippines, “embrace the bounty you have already received from the giver of every good gift” and see His hand today offering you more joy and light.
Last week was Spring break.
List of memories
Swimming with the slide open
Yates cousins came with sandbox play and no one got sick
Playdates with lovely people
A choir rehearsal that taught me that the Lord is in the details of little things that create big impact
One little pile of weeds
A Easter decoration of wheatgrass is thriving
Time with family friends we don’t see as much as we would like
Hobbit holes and Wind Cave adventures in Logan Canyon
Bear lake beach moments skipping rocks, gathering tiny shells and ice cold wading
BYU ballroom dance concert with my cousin performing