As I learn I change. Here are the plans for the next school year. They reflect what I am learning.
1. The best learning is self motivated and full of choice and desire. 50/50 ratio of structure to freedom is my goal. So three hours of school routines followed by three hours of creative non-screen childhood is my ideal.
2. Scientific inquiry, mathematical thinking, literary analysis all can rest on the habits of observation, wondering and connecting. I want to cover less and dig deeper into building these thinking habits and slowing down. We need peace not hurry to ponder. I plan on adding a picture book a week in which we enjoy and think deeply about the writing craft, illustrations, and scientific concepts.
3. Consistent patterns help spiral learning and a sense of stability. I hope to follow these monthly rotations of science/history/global studies read aloud, family math and writing club for three years.
Could I get copies of these posters?
Thank you for the kind words. I do not teach online.
Are you offering online teaching too? You could become a multimillionaire!
My gchildren are in Texas. They desperately need a teacher exactly like you!