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Fin de octubre

Updated: Oct 31, 2022


  1. Halloween parade and party

  2. Basketball games

  3. Grape juice production

  4. Evening family scripture

  5. Baking: banana bread, pumpkin cookies, bread and cinnamon rolls

  6. So much music to get ready for the holidays

  7. Danish cookies and tea with poetry

  8. Charlotte and Wilbur are at the fair

  9. Map drawing of continents and castles

  10. Red Butte

  11. Tech Fridays

  12. Discussion on hypo/hyperthermia

  13. Bugsy Malone

  14. Jazz Game

  15. Friends over to paint nails, car race track play and a bit of outside time.

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1 Comment

Bonnie Wall
Bonnie Wall
Nov 02, 2022

My favorite costume from my childhood was being a scarecrow so it made my heart happy to see Della as a scarecrow this year. The grape juice looks like heaven!

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