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Birthday Wishes

Beauty with variety. Deep long breath. Loosen the grip. Small profound delight. Wow!

This month I celebrate a year more here living on this earth. I want to have changed my heart to be more tender, my eyes to see good clearer and my ears to

"hear Him." I chose the words, "BREATH OF HEAVEN" as my focus this year with a desire to have a heavenly spirit as my companion. To do this there are laws to live, habits to break and moments for grace. As a lover of lists, here are changes I hope for, long for and desire.

Birthday Wishes

  1. Wimpy one verse club is from high school seminary days. To be in the club you read one verse each day. I want consistency, a chance to listen to the loving voice that is there for me. Often the one verse spills into many.

  2. Share the load. I have given up control and thoroughness to give my children more cooking, cleaning, laundry and chores. It is the harder, the longer, the more patience required way now, but it will get easier. One silver lining is that they are able to see more how to break the tasks into small parts, lead with invitations and express gratitude.

  3. Praise the Lord for the hard, the messy and the burdens, I like so much of the lovely and the good in my life and find awe in the changes in my heart from awareness of the way I am taken care of. Yet, self-pity knocks and jealousy pops up. So, the opposition is a gift too. Growth of soul comes from not getting what I want when I want it. Strength over solution. Correction over compliments. It is all love too.

  4. Vision. I want to grow in my connection and relationship as a daughter-in-law. Mother and daughter-in-law often is seen as a sensitive relationship wrought with distant critical aspects. It doesn't have to be that way. Ruth and Naomi. We can belong to each other for we do eternally.

  5. A garden. A place to be near Mother Nature and in the sunshine and in the midst of growing alive things. I want my children to have a plant to watch grow and taste the flavor of garden food. I would rather have it be a smooth running endeavor with drip irrigation, mulch preventing heavy need to weed and easy pest control. Maybe Eden is what I really want.

  6. So, I love children. I love babies and mothering. I feel that there is a joy so ethereal with being a mother. I am willing to be tired and focused on others. I love teaching them in a scholastic and spiritual way. This year I desire to feel complete with my experience to “dar luz,“ the giving of light or giving birth.

  7. Better cardio exercise. To strengthen my lungs and breath hard. I want to run and not be weary. Feel strong and a sense of accomplishment. I also want to have a yoga day that I have time for toning, stretching and awareness of how my body feels, awareness where I feel pain and awareness of the attention I need to give myself.

  8. Read a book. A book for me, just me. I want to read Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Understood Betsy, The Guernsey Potato Pie Literary Society, Don Quixote, Song of the Lark, Persuasion, A book by Ann Patchett, Virginia Woolf, Susan Meissner and , The Joy Luck Club...

  9. Write.

  10. Develop a new hobby. It will find me.

My birthday twin gave me buttons. I love them and how much they remind me of her and the goodness she has.

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